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We release annual report to cover our predictions for top 10 emerging trends in the upcoming year. Our team at Hemi Ventures has been fortunate to partner with world class technology leaders to identify these trends in the forward thinking areas of Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Driving, and Biotech. Being aware of how the future technologies will shape our industry, humanity, and the greater good is only one part of having this foresight. The second part is nurturing and empowering the companies to progress the technology to maturity. These trends matter significantly because they are emerging technologies that have not yet hit mass scale or the mainstream. Our 2018 insight report can be found here.

This report was produced from the inputs of a special research committee of experts from top academic researchers at Stanford, and government leadership at DARPA and the most innovative startups (including some of our portfolio companies). Many of these leaders spoke at our recent Annual Summit in San Francisco last December. Our extensive research on the growing market size along with the trajectory of the technology needs meeting the adoption; assists to justify these trends. These early trend signals will provide an impactful increase of influence to the general public in the coming years. Hemi Ventures’ perspective on these emerging trends will be to continue to foster mentorship and support to the world class entrepreneurs that have the responsibility to positively transform the ecosystem.  

The full 2019 insight report will be available soon.

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